Some Words On Turds

Some Words On Turds

We all know that everybody poops and that this waste is everything our body cannot use. Everyone’s poop is unique in shape, frequency and size, poop can tell you a lot about what is going on inside your body.You might even be pooping the wrong way.

The Scope On Poop

Let’s start with the word poop; it comes from the Middle English word “poupen” meaning to blow a horn or toot, (i.e., to fart.) “poop” came into use with its current meaning around the 1900’s.

You might think the simple act of going to the bathroom is natural (and it is); but, it turns out we’ve been doing it wrong for a long time. It turns out that sitting is the worst way to get rid of solid waste.

Humans are the only animals that do their business from a seated position. Sitting atop porcelain thrones constricts a muscle that keeps the waste in our bodies, while squatting relaxes it, making the process easier. You don’t have to squat like a ninja hiding in a tree, waiting to strike; but, leaning forward a bit and spreading your feet will ease the elimination process, though not quite as effectively as squatting naturally.

The right way and wrong way to poopThe right way and wrong way to poop

Now that we got that out of the way; let’s answer some questions about poop.

Why is poop brown ?

Healthy poop is brown because of the pigments from the breakdown of iron-filled red blood cells in your intestines. Remember “Browner is Better”. If your poops are green don’t worry it just means that you’ve eaten a lot of iron rich foods like spinach and other leafy greens, beans or red meat. It could also mean you’ve eat some foods with green food coloring.

What is poop made of ?

Poop is 75% water; the rest is made of dead and living bacteria, indigestible food, protein, fiber, cells, fats, salts, and mucous.




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